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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 10-7-2003 at 7:49pm
Current mood: banausic
Subject: Spectrum
OK first things first... what should I be for halloween. (this is where it'd be cool if random people just commented)

Now onto the real journal...
In Chemisty and Biology we seem to be halfway dealing with spectrum. Not what it is or anything just vague references. Photosynthesis, Bohr Models, all that good stuff. Well The Spectrum seems to be applying to my life. Not necessarily the colors stuff but the word. Just read Mals journal and she is so happy, even around the house, I didnt have to read her journal to know she was happy. And I, I seem to be at the other end of the spectrum (or spectra... I dunno). Not that I am all suicidally sad or anything but I think the mood fits perfectly. I'm just not happy. I think it may be because John is sick and then I dont get to talk to him and then I dont have him to sit on the phone and make me laugh into all hours of the night. You know? Yes there are good things happening all around me and yes I should have nothing to complain about. But overall I just have a bad feeling. I dont feel happy, which usually means that there are more bad times to come. And typically they are my fault. So I am going to make a concious effort to not make things worse than they already are... Maybe its because I havent danced. I always feel better after I dance. Especially tonight. Tuesday nights. The dance is full of leaps and layouts and things that you just have to go for, no holding back, no being scared, you just do it. And I love that. I love it when you have to do something, full out. It just makes you feel good and makes you feel accomplished. So maybe tonight will bring some happiness. I dont know what caused this bad feeling but whatever it is it needs to stop. Ok thats all. Oh yeah. I love you John! I hope you feel better soon.
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You !, 10-07-03 9:38pm

OINK OINK OINK ! yea thats the best i can do online. LoL ! I sure hope it was good enough if not............................BAH.....if one isnt good enough heres another....BAH...and another....BAH....and just for good measure....OINK BAH OINK OINK BAH BAH OINK !!!!

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10-16-03 11:08pm

you asked me to continue to read, and i am agreeing your request.

for halloween, i say, be a duck!

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