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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 10-7-2003 at 8:50pm
Current mood: Ehh..
Music: "I'm Still Here" -Johnny Rzeznik
I finally got around to writing that email today. I felt a little better since leah emailed first. But I've had a lot of trouble coming up with what to say. Once I sat down to write it it wasn't that hard though. I feel a little better about things. I'll feel a lot better about things when/if I get a response.

I was really mad because I really wanted to go rollerblading today, but if I wanted shampoo I had to go to the store. When I got back it was dark. I'm already bending the rules a little by rollerblading in the first place, but I'm not gonna chance rollerblading at night. Especially since my stupid neighborhood is too cheap to put in street lights. So I have had not enough exercise today. But atleast my hair is clean.

I feel unloved since no one is commenting anymore. I know you guys are reading it, but what else am I supposed to do when I'm really bored?? Or when I'm supposed to be studying for history? So now I'll ask questions, and you guys will HAVE to answer. This one is more for kristen, since leah and I don't know. Is Matt now permanently on the bassline? Because Mike showed up to practice today and he's like what the hell is going on? I go to cross country and they give away my part? But I don't get it because it's not like it's the first thing he's missed. He didn't come to the game last week. Did he quit or not? We are all mourning the loss of the xylophone part. It's ok though I guess. I just wish that we were not totally excluded from things that are happening to us.

I think, from what I saw, that practice went pretty well today. Lerner seems to think you guys are catching on. Well, not catching on, but doing well. Something that I have been hearing a lot that is pissing me off, not that I'm pissed at the people saying it, just the idea pisses me off, is the word "unattainable" associated with the word "superior." Come on guys! You're just digging yourself into a hole! I mean, we're still weeks away from festival. We have several practices left, including one that's all day next friday, and we have the whole show on the field. I think we're doing pretty well all things considered. I see no reason that if we work hard these next few weeks that we cannot get a superior. Do people not want it anymore? Have the sophomores told the freshmen oh, it's no big deal? I just do not understand this. The only reason I even have stayed with it and joined pit was to still be able to go to FBA. Am I the only one who thinks that it is any kind of a big deal? I really think that we are running around in circles here. I have come across few people who care. If not for a superior than for what? Atlantic band used to be able to hold its head high. What are those people in it for now? A free ticket into the football game? Spending 5 hours a week with your friends? An easy sixth area? Can someone explain this to me? Because I think that we should be able to go around the room and ask every person in the band what are you in it for? What is your goal here? And every person should be able to answer superior. Maybe this is too much of a "remember the titans" dream, but I think we can do it, if everyone just realizes what the hell they're doing. Because we as an organization are wasting a lot of time if we have no goal or are not working to accomplish those goals. I have put so much time and effort and emotional energy into this band, and if we are working towards nothing, I want it back.
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10-07-03 10:00pm

Awww don't feel unloved! And yeah.. now I have to post a comment. : P

Correct. Mike has missed two games (one without real prior telling-other-people-ness) and a multitude of practices. He doesn't know his sets or his music. Houchins put Matt permanently on the bassline. 4th bass. Mike's spot. Mike has no idea.. and we were all really interested in his reaction... but I think he's in denial today.. Tomorrow's class should definitely be interesting. He hasn't quit.. but.. not sure what will happen now. And yeah, taking away Matt took away a lot of key parts didn't it?
And not to worry. I think drumline's motto of the year is 'no communication.'

No comments on the last paragraph... sorry.


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10-07-03 10:11pm

: P I was the last person to comment before today!

Yeah, so... I was wondering what was up with the baseline myself, especially when I realized that Matt did not, I repeat: did NOT know there were flutes underfoot. Haha. I know we're not very loud, but geez. XD It's no reason to trample us. It would be much appreciated if someone *ahem* could tell drumline that next time you hear someone yelling "UP! UP!" it's meant for them. ^_~

In my humble opinion, Mike really has no right to be on the baseline any more if he won't show up to learn the damn sets. Everyone else makes sacrifices to learn the show... I'm probably going to get kicked out of SNHS/NHS this year for never going to anything.

Poor Matt though, suddenly thrown into a new part. o.0 Houchins doesn't know anything about marching, does he?

And yes, I thought superior was an unattainable goal... I'm in the backfield for a good part of the show and I see some truly horrible marching. It's not just the freshmen either. -.-' So..... unless we can whip them into shape really soon, things will not be so good. As for why I'm in band... I ask myself that every practice. To be quite honest, I don't know anymore. It used to be because it was fun, but I think it's a lot more fun to have half days and kee my days off from school... -.-

Don't get me wrong, I would love to win a superior.

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