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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 10-7-2003 at 10:53pm
Music: Tykwer Klirnek & Heil: Running One
Well, here it is Tuesday night. I missed an exam and a quiz on Monday, not too big of a deal but it still bothers me. I got about 12 hours of sleep after staying up for two days, I’m almost back on track now. I did some cleaning because I was tired of Josh and Paul’s messes. I don’t think it will last long, but I can hope.

Working on this stupid computer assignment for my statistics class. This teacher is such an idiot. I have to do it one page at a time because she wants hand written answers after each part of the computer output. And since the next part relies on what you are writing and calculating after the first part it has to be done section by section.

Read the journals of the people that posted in mine. It was a nice break from life.

Looking forward to Wednesday. I’m going out with Kelli again, but this time she’s my DD and we’ll probably end up hitting a gay bar. She also offered to pay just so she can see me drunk.

It feels weird being 21. Don’t feel like elaborating tonight, maybe tomorrow.
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10-08-03 3:52pm

"I did some cleaning because I was tired of [roommate X] and [roommate Y]’s messes. I don’t think it will last long, but I can hope." Sing it sista.

I agree, it feels weird with you being 21. Wait for me! ::runs to catch up::

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10-09-03 11:00am

I hate statistics. That is the class that always messes me up and there is so much shit to do in there. is my email address. I read over your entries all the time and feel so inspired and comforted that i am not the only one with these feelings. I know how things can get sometime. Email me I want to get to know you more. you seem awsome.

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