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TBoblp (profile) wrote,
on 10-11-2003 at 12:26pm
Some little tidbits:

I am better than David Gilmour. The Steely Dan concert was great, wish I couldve gone. I need to work on my rhythm playing, it sucks ass. My lead playing is great. There are NO NEW CHORD PROGESSIONS, i hate when people say 'i wrote this ne chord progression' or 'i figured out this cool progression'. The only new chord progressions are chords that arent supposed to be played together, and they suck. I will never need another amp in my life. I have found an amp just as good as Fender's vibroking ($1,400) for $600. I want to play in a cover band my entire life, as well as writing my own stuff (which i dont care about ever performing, i do it for me).
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friends list, 10-12-03 8:23pm

hey mr.tboblp( haha)...well I'm just replying to your comment in my journal...its awesome that you added me '2' your friends list...and I added you to yeh...I'll always love Lynyrd Skynyrd and the only person (besides you) that I know of who loves them as much as you and my boyfriend...

Okay well I gotta go

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