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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 10-12-2003 at 8:57pm
if radiohead was a food id probably eat it every now and then, thinking i liked it, but every time id be like 'i shouldve had an apple instead' because radiohead isnt that good. so much time goes between the tiems that i eat radiohead i forget whether or not its any good or not, and i think thats understandable.
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10-12-03 11:58pm

Hey My names David I think youve heard of me through BunnyBlondes Journal but I was wondering if you play Guitar if so Write Me at


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10-13-03 12:02am

Hey David again do you play Banjo? If so write me at the same screenname above im interested in finding some other musicians intrested in the same kind of music as me and from Ive read in BunnyBlondes journal it seems like you like Lynyrd Skynyrd there my favorite band. So if you could find the time to write me at

that would be great.


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10-13-03 12:11am

Sorry David again but I keep reading your journal and it said you guitars nut was coming loose well one of my guitars nut once fell off so if you havent fixed it yet heres one way I did it

Take the nut off drill three to four holes in the botom of it and then drill three to four holes right where the nut goes on the guitar. now take some epoxy (making sure it gets in those holes you drilled) apply it to the nut and guitar and just stick it on there.

Hope I was some help. probably not but oh well

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10-13-03 6:46pm

well said

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Re:, 10-13-03 9:29pm

i think i might start a series of random analogies to things that make no sense in terms of the original thing im making the analogy about. i do that alot.

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