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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 10-13-2003 at 12:40pm
Current mood: shocked
Music: low-kelly clarkson
ok...haha we had a bomb threat at school and so the police told the superintendent to send EVERYONE home, so we now have the rest of the day off. ashley went to sams, taylor went to grammas and yup u guessed it! i came home. i wanna know who freakin threatend WHEATON....i mean cummon ppl! wheaton is like a little no-body school. haha ok anyways, i guess i shall be going. i plan on finishing my book today..... ; )
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Enjoy, 10-13-03 10:41pm

Sounds like someone had it easy today. But Im still the last one laughing here cause I get a halfday tomorrow. Enjoy the day off and the rest of your book.

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