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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 10-14-2003 at 11:05am
Current mood: excited
Music: last kiss-pearl jam
Subject: Hell Yea
ok! im back, the superintendent didnt think that we were all over our "scare" from yesterday and so...another day off. (looks like im the last one laugin kell. teehee) and so i just got up like 15 minutes ago. i went to bed at 11, got up at 10:45. almost 12 hours of sleep. OH lol last night i dyed my hair. its now like a creamy lookin brown with red in it. it sounds kinda weird i guess on here, but it looks AWESOME!! i love it. now i have to go get it cut again and ill be good to go ; )
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Lucky foo!, 10-14-03 3:10pm

OKay I suppose then since you get another day off you win. Lucky! Your new hair color sound cool. So did ya finish your book? Ill catch ya later if I see you online. Peace&Love>LatA

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Re: Lucky foo!, 10-14-03 4:10pm

trevor STOLE my book and HID it so now i have to turn the house upside-down and look for it. i am SO mad right now. hes evil i tell ya. luck u is the youngest...ok *sigh* letting go of some of my anger now *sigh again* ok most of its gone. bye babe

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Re: Re: Lucky foo!, 10-14-03 10:44pm

Well after you let go of the anger, however that may be ;), Enjoy it. ALso I got a 'package' in the mail from a certain someone today!

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