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justplainolemica (profile) wrote, on 10-16-2003 at 12:13pm | |
Current mood: icky icky icky putangey ha Subject: Blah |
I dont know exactly what I'm going to say here. I'm thinking about the Thursday talk. I dont know how long it will be and I'm starting to think that I would rather not talk. I'd rather just wait until Friday to do the talking. I just dont think that there can be any good that would come out of talking tonight. Its one thing to be online and talking about it because I can always distract myself by doing other things and then I dont focus on everything. I think that if I ever truely focused on it then the hurt would just be so much... just like the first time I found out. And I dont want to go through that again. So I think I will talk to John about either talking online or a very short phone call. I dont know... too much to deal with and I have 3 quizzes today. | |
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l-town-boi | the sheeps, 10-16-03 9:22pm mica im missing you so much b/c we only talked for a few minutes today and im so scared that your going to leave me that im not gonna be able to sleep and i sweat and i cant think straight b/c im so worried , i hope you take me back b/c i want to be with you and i miss you and your tracker and your dorm and your smell and everything about you and i hope you miss things about me so that you will give me another chance and let me show you i can make you genuinely happy with me , i will talk to you tommarrow either when i get there or before , bye for now , with love John Charles Leland Jr. a.k.a Piggy |