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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 10-16-2003 at 4:10am
Current mood: content
Music: headstrong-trApt
Subject: thE flooR anD mY facE
hAhA 'ello! ok today i was walkin to algebra, everything is goin smooth, then i trip over a fuckin pencil and fall. but i didnt just stop. nOnO that would be to easy. i slide a LONG ways down the hall. my books scattered i lost my pencil...oh but it was just great. ummhmm. well the plus side is that i got helped up by this really hot guy...hes new i guess....names andrew....nice eyes(gotta love em) maybe-not.....dont know......

me and kell talked for a LONG time last night. no i mean a LONG time!! and we fliRted. i dont know. i think summin is in the air. maybe a good summin, but then again maybe a not so good summin...?
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10-16-03 8:07pm

OUchies! that had to hurt. Sounds a little funny, but still ouch... You okay?

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