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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 10-17-2003 at 10:55am
Current mood: groggy
Music: everything-lifehouse
Subject: HeHe hAhA
i forgot to tell ya...i get a 4 day weekend....haha and then on tuesday, i get to go to...someplace, and then we get to go eat at the food court in the mall (chinese food here i cum! btw chinese food is my FAVORITE type of food in the world...who woulda guessed huh?) anyways then we have an hour to wast in the mall before we head back to school. so basically i get a 5 day weekend cuz no school on tuesday. we do have to sit threw a fuckin 2 hour seminare for fccla though (thats y were goin on the trip).
oh aint this nice. i wake up and im compleatly alone in the house. kinda scared me for a sec, and i dont know y but its cool now. just kinda makes me mad....all the laundry to my self.....what more could a gurl ask for. damn my family is a bunch of stupid shits......what fun. ok well laundry here i cum!
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FAIR?!?, 10-17-03 3:07pm

Lucky! Again! wow okay boviously the big guy likes you right now cause a extended weekend on top of bomb threats at school. WOW! No F***ING FAiR!.....Lucky!

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