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TBoblp (profile) wrote,
on 10-17-2003 at 2:14pm
What more can I say? RUSH premier on Tuesday, that means in four days. I am already bringing up memories from the show last October, now exactly a week apst the one year anniversary. and im deep into Neil Peart's newest book. What this man has accomplished even through losing his wife and only daughter in a span of 5 months is amazing. Arguably the greatest modern lyricist, and in my eyes as well as MANY others, the greatest percussionist of all time. His lyrics read like poetry, with every song having a special meaning, not just random philosophy seen in most 'mature' lyrical content. RUSH's ability to put these words to music is simply amazing. Three men can play by themselves with no help live, where as most triplets and even quads need touring musicians to help. and not only that, they blow away anything that anybody could do to challenge that. Try and name one other band that plays a 3 HOUR music set (3:20 total set time), with really no break except for the drum solo, and 2 acoustic songs without drums. They clearly do not do this for the money as almost all bands that tour today. They do not play all their new songs before people become familiar with them (cough*radiohead*cough). I don't like saying this alot, but rush is truely a musicians band. if you are a rock musician you understand their greatness, plain and simple. those who listen to rush idely do not understand their greatness because simply they do not understand what musicianship is. alex's familiarity with time well as neils ability to go in and out of them, and geddy's ability to play bass extremely well while sing is just unreal. best band to come out of canada and in my eyes, the world, has to be rush.
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10-17-03 2:52pm

amen. i'm still kicking myself for missing that concert. i hope they tour again soon. i'm really excited about tuesday

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10-18-03 7:01am

Hah, Radiohead played 4 hours in Toronto and played every hit but Creep.

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Re:, 10-18-03 10:30am

was their whole tour like that or just that show? If they did that the whole tour, I'm impressed.

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Re: Re:, 10-18-03 6:17pm

The show in West Palm was an annomaly. They play as long as they legally can most of the time. In FL that's till 11, in ONT it's later. If you want to see their set lists for every show since 1999 check

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-18-03 8:25pm

yea i think its very classy when bands play as lnog as they can. i heard rush does some shows where they have a much longer acoustic set in canada, like you said probably because of different regulations. the scorpions stopped in the middle of a song at 11 once. that mustve been funny

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