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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 9-28-2002 at 8:29pm
tonight you killed me.

you never loved me. you couldn't have the way you hurt me. i loved you so much and for what Troy, for what? How could I be so naive.. hopes and dreams are only for the ignorant. Tonight reality slapped me in the face and I refuse to be hurt like this again. You killed me Troy. This.. now this is the end.
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09-28-02 8:42pm

I don't understand how you are building these assumptions. I told you that the person I became this summer is now dead to me because I feel that everything you told me was a lie. You felt that I was pushing you away because you repelled me. Stop assuming about what I'm thinking. You heard what I told you, and if you loved me you would fucking believe me. Since this started I have felt like nobody to you, I tried as hard as I could to talk to you all the time. I got assaulted by my dad so I could wait for you to come online every night for a couple more hours. I got up in the middle of the night to see if you ever came on. And I'm the one pushing you away? when I did talk to you I was very upset... my family is about to kick me out of my house because of my brother, my friends aren't my friends, and I hate the person I am to myself. I don't understand how I hurt you. You asked me how I was... and I told you... and I don't want to talk about it, I would rather actually talk to you than regurgitate the bad things in my life. I'm guessing from me not wanting to talk about you assumed I was pushing you away.

Blame it on me, hate me, do whatever you want, just don't tell me how I felt or feel.

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09-29-02 2:04pm

im sorry to hear this vivi because you do not deserve it. i do not know if this will help or even mean anything coming from me but i truly am sorry to hear this.

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09-30-02 1:28pm

i dont know all the details. or any for that matter. but i feel bad because i hate it when i get hurt by someone i love. im sorry. even though it may not mean that much from me either. im sorry. and as ive always told you. im here for you. all you have to do is ask and ill be there. lots of

b e n

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