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Butterfly (profile) wrote, on 10-20-2003 at 7:43am | |
Current mood: horny Music: whit flag-dido Subject: Penis Size |
lol omg i bring so much damn embarrassement upon my self. but hey its all good. as for the subject of this entry...kelly knows all about what im gettin at. haha love ya babe. this weekend, i got a bunch of cosmo magazines and cut the all but showing pictures of naked men out of them and put them on my wall. dad has yet to say anything about it....but i just caint wait!! lol. omg today, my teacher called and said i had 13 ours to creat a 30 minute speech to say in front of like 2,000 ppl tomorrow. im NOT good with speeches. im going to be stuttering, and slurring everything together....ohh im so fuckin scared. but hey... its all good : ). of course i hate my teacher for volenteering me to do this, because she knows damn well that i dont do the whole public speeches thing...god what wonderfull things. RachelElaine |
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Valoth | 10-21-03 2:40pm |
Valoth | Re:, 10-21-03 2:43pm Rachel Im sure that you'll do just fine. If you don't, I can cheer you back up! ;) GoodLuck! |