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mbenznut (profile) wrote, on 10-23-2003 at 12:06am | |
Does anyone else feel like they're counting down the days in their life? It seems like there's too many left. I want to skip forward ten years. Be settled down with a steady income that will actually pay all these bills, and have a husband. Nine years 364 days. | |
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kloomis25 | skip forward?, 10-23-03 8:14am Strange. My birthday is tomorrow and all I want to do is skip back a few years.....
mbenznut | Re: skip forward?, 10-30-03 2:49pm How was the B-Day? |
kloomis25 | Re: Re: skip forward?, 10-31-03 8:48am My friend and his husband spent most of the time in a hospital that weekend so I couldn't do anything with them for the b-day, so I had dinner with the family and got the usual mix of gifts to return (ugly sweaters and things, I'm sure we can all relate!) Just another day, nothing too exciting unfortunately. |
valoticus | 10-23-03 1:40pm I understand joe. i feel the same way. But as we are waiting for life to really begin, we are letting it pass us by. just food for thought. are you going to the kegger tonight? |