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Rina (profile) wrote,
on 10-23-2003 at 4:15pm
Current mood: pretty happy
Music: hot water music
Subject: ooooo pretty
Whoa! i changed my journal. its more.. 'pyro-y' lmao.. i dont know if i should keep it though.. give me a commento if you likeo.

well, i was happy comin home today because my song was on! anyways.. nothin really happened.. o yea.. i took the fcat thing with the sophomores today. it was so lame! there was one problem that i completly forgot how to do but thats ok.. :D i dont really care..
um, we went over answers in bio.. i got more than half of them right! (i think) so thats cool. i was happy, except i totally forgot about a dumb vocab test in english, so i think the best i got on that one is like maaayybe a 85. i guess thats ok.
no report card today, so i will have to sit and wait. grrrrr.
here are some things i learned today:
-a giraffe's tongue is about 2 feet long
- the width of your armspan is equal to your height
- skunks can shoot their spray only 6 to 10 feet, but it can be smelled up to 2.5 miles away.

amazing what you learn off snickers... yes, i got this info from a snickers bar
i also thought this was interesting...

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.
The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Simlpy amzanig, eh?


btw... sheep go to heaven

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10-23-03 5:33pm

i tink u should put stuff on it from cuz its neat :]

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Re:, 10-23-03 5:38pm

i know.. it rocks man! im lookin for a cool cursor at the momento...

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sheep go to heaven, 10-23-03 5:34pm

sheep go to heaven! cake rocks! pineapplesnapple? hahahah i like your new icon thing. its very you. hahaha. peace out. hugs not drugs yall.
~tHe StOnEd ChEeRlEaDeR~

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Re: sheep go to heaven, 10-23-03 5:37pm

pineapplesnapple!!! thank ya! i like it to, yo. ;)

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10-23-03 5:53pm

i know wut ya mean about the letters thing my bro sent that to me a little while ago... the colors r very coolness indeed ...very halloweeny hehe luv ya -crawlie

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Re:, 10-23-03 5:56pm

heh heh thanks man! yea.. my sis sent it to me, and i was like, oh snappage! o! i didnt even notice they were halloweeny lmao..
im so lame hahahaha

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10-24-03 9:05pm

i think you journal looks cool
bye bye,

TwItCh...AkA some random chick

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