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m&ms487 (profile) wrote, on 10-1-2002 at 6:54pm | |
Current mood: aggravated |
Today in health we had to write down a goal that we had and our personality trait's. Well, my goal was to have at least a 3.9 gpa when I graduate, and Reed couldn't just take "because I'm a perfectionist" for the reason why. So, we got in this whole long thing about how grades arent' important, but I place them at high value and crap like that. People in my health class think I'm crazy because I consider getting a B- failing. What a bunch of ----------------------. Anyway, the personality traits, I hate that class for many reasons, and one of them is having to identify who u are. Maybe I dont' know who i am? I have contradicting personality traits which leads me to believe my whole freakin life is an oxymoron (which I believe i already said). So, now I'm going around in circles AND I have no freakin clue who I am, that's okay, tho! The world is but a stage and we but actors making our entrences and exits. | |
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Laurel | hi, 10-02-02 9:02am you consider a B failing!!!! you need to sort out your priorities!!!! I would be failing about every report card except some i get all A's but its rare! (it's gonna rain and i'm at school (scary :s)
crazykatie | 10-02-02 7:36pm well i hope you figure out whatever you want or you get what you need..bye |