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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 10-25-2003 at 9:19pm
Current mood: drunk
Music: High All The Time- 50
Subject: drunk
I am drunk. And it feels so good. It feels so darn good. I don't know how people live without getting drunk once in a while, Doughy and I both drank. Wonder how she's feeling... Prolly like me, MELLOW.
It's weird, when you're drunk you really think the clearest. It's strange how that is. According to adults, and other people that think they're smarter than us, your memory and brain is affected negatively by alcohol. But it's really making me think clear. It's good to have European parents, alcohol available in stacks. Good for a house party... Not a suggestion tho, don't get me wrong.
I was looking at someone else's woohu, and they had this list of what they loved and hated. The person's list was seriously messed up tho, so I'm gonna make a list like that, only maybe a little less retarded.
*Things I hate*
1. mean people
2. people that judge others based on false evidence
4. backstabbers
5. M******
6. his friends
7. haters (ha)
8. people that hate people just cuz they're different than them
9. idiots
10. people that r afraid of their sexuality
11. people that r embarressed to hang out with certain people
12. people that dwell on something for way too long
13. bad irony
14. people that have no point, when dissing you
15. people that diss you for no reason
16. people that act dramatic, even when it's unnecessary
17. Yankee haters (no kidding, but who doesn't like the yankees?)
18. the fact that everything at Edgemotn evolves around school
19. The fact that a B is not considered a good grade here at e-mont
20. Racism
21. Hangovers
And many more
*Things I love*
1. My friends
2. My crushes
3. people that love you for who you are
4. people that apologize, and actually mean it
5. people that are open to others no matter what
6. people that consider everyone's view point before taking a side.
7. gross food
8. materialism
9. girls that think they're fat when they're not
10. girls that think they're skinny, when they're not. (Don't get me wrong)
11. The feeling of being drunk
12. meeting new people
13. games (all kinds)
14. boys (especially b**** ones)
15. nice people
16. my family
17. people that appreciate me
18. compliments
And many more

There's so much, impossible to list. But here r some of them anyway, I prolly forgot many of the main ones anyway... But oh well
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heyyyy, 10-25-03 11:02pm

hey mette- had fun drinking the heineken and bacardi tonight!! lol im glad to hear that u feel "mellow"

<3always dorina

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