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kailster (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2003 at 4:05pm
Current mood: drained
Music: shes my kind of rain - tim mcgraw
well i just got home from seeing the harper creek high school play...which was very good!! encore encore!! =) my buddy dj was halarious! ahh i love my harper we were sittin talkin during intermission and ben decided that i'm going to go to this CORNFIELD maze with him on halloween! i'm like you better be willing to like.....carry me!! i'm gonna be so scared! ahhh! but i love ben, he's like one of my best friends ever, and kane...hehe =) can't get enough of those guys! oh and don't forget bob!
speaking of bob...well last night...let's see...ok i'll just tell about the whole thing cuz it was a night to remember!

so me and kane worked and had our boy therapy session at work till 9 o'clock and then got mom called me during work and told me she was in GR and stayin there all night...sweet!! AND she said i could have people over...the one thing i DIDN'T do...besides kane and bob comin over...but she said NO thing i DID do...and more! ah, so we went to kane's house got her stuff then drove around looking for this abandoned road and house she was takin pics at earlier in the week...but it was foggy as all fuck! and i couldnt' see shit! before we got that far i fuckin almost hit these 2 deer that just decided to take their precious time and chill in the middle of the road! moby stick fuckin fish tailed when i slammed on his brakes....i was so scared, but then when we stopped we just sat there and laughed our asses off!! was crazy! so we finally made it to my house...after our exploration, near death experience, and oh yeah...finding alcohol! man...they got bacardi O and it's some nasty shit...but that didn't bother me!! i had...hmm...6 shots...i THINK...i lost track after 2...whoopsy! :-X so it was me kane and bob and i was the only one drunk, kane got sick from it and bob can't drink hard then after the 6th one...i was kinda gone, but that didn't stop me! we managed to get some weed, and i was determined to try i did! with bobby's creative skills he made us a bowl (is that what it was??) out of a beer can...YUCK BEER...and we went outside. i was so scared, i had no fuckin idea what i was doin, but i guess i was a natural b/c i did it...and was good. i'm not an alcoholic and i'm not a pothead...yet! haha j/k!!!! so anyways...we came back in and bobby was just sitting on my bed, and he's like how was it? and i was fuckin gone..and he was like damn...ur gone. and he was right! so i just layed down on my bed and my phone beeped and it was chris...FUCK was the only word that crossed my mind...and i INSISTED that i talk to i did! and he knew i was drunk....but not high....sad thing is... i was BOTH. i know he's gonna find out...but i don't know how he's gonna react...he said he'll never talk to me again if i ever do that...but...i hope that's not true. i love him...and i can't lose him. all i kept askin him was if he was mad at me...that's why i drank so much...i was pissed that he didn't come over and he was mad at me for no reason...but on the phone he INSISTED that he wasn't yeah...i was like ok. and that was it. then bobby decided to leave...he was getting mad for some reason and i couldnt' tell why...but i guess i wouldnt' let him leave kane said, and i kept like hanging on to him telling him not to leave me. but i finally just said ok and walked him out to his truck. i was like is there something we have to talk about bobby and he's like yeah...but not when you're high or drunk...and i was like good idea...but i wanna talk about it...cuz i wanna know what you're thinking. and he said we would talk later...i called him 2 times that night again...and i talked to aaron online and he assured me he wasn't mad...he just had been busy and not been online and stuff...ben told me today that aaron is tryin to let amanda know that it's over...but he doesn't wanna hurt her or himself...and i understand but...i's out of my hands and i can't worry about it...i'm just here for him as a friend if he needs me. well...i have LOTS of math homework...fuckin mrs.dobbin......W/O the S!!! bitch...i hate that class...but oh well...kk well i better get goin, if anything exciting happens tonight...i'll let ya'll know. ttfn...tata for now!

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10-27-03 9:44am

oh yeah, check out my new icon :) kailey ill look up a bacardi icon for ya!

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