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rachel (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2003 at 6:00pm
Current mood: satisfied
Subject: my weekend <3
ah this weekend has been a w e s o m e.
friday night i went and chilled at christini's, fun fun.
saturday i worked, but it wasn't that bad at all! then i spent the rest of the day eating/getting ready for homecoming <33
it was really fun! all the dancing... my feet hurt after a while.. but its all good..
today i went to the beach, havent gone in soo long. the waves were effing weird though.. choppy but shallow but big but weak.. yeah... only one minor injury tho so its all good! haha.. <3 u guys!
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10-26-03 7:30pm

So awesome seeing you, I hadent seen you in so long!!! Hows that injury doing?! You gotta bust out some neosporin for that biznatch! I had fun today.

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Re:, 10-26-03 7:41pm

haha yeah as soon as i got out of the shower i covered it in neosporin.. hopefully that'll help! ahh yeah it was great seeing you! gotta do it more often.. us fattie need to stick together! haha <3 ya

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