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alitar (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2003 at 9:59pm
YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HAW!! THAT'S what I'm talking about! That episode ROCKED. I watched the first 40 minutes of it at 7, went to get pizza, waited till Queer Eye for the Straight Guy ended, and then watched the last half an hour of ABC. I was high on it for the first 40, and I thought the last 20 I hadn't seen was good, but I'm mad I didn't get to see it all in a continuous hour, because I would have loved it even more. Dammit.

I loved the beginning. The right amount of tension, action, great pace. Justin was growing on me. I don't think of him so much as a sex symbol as a really interesting, strong, crass villian with whom I would have loved for Sydney to develop a relationship. (See that, tmx? We talked about that little grammar rule last night) It's too bad that he's dead. He was starting to get really interesting. I don't know if that's how the character read on the page, or if it's Justin's excellent presence, but great, great job. Too bad, man. You don't fuck around with SpyDaddy like that. Every scene with him left an impression on me, and that's the strong interesting presence that I want more of on the show.

I love Sloane. I love this storyline. This is the stuff that makes this show great. JJ said that he wanted the two year jump specifically to tell Sloane's story, and I imagine this is the material to which he was referring. Very interesting dynamic. Sloane has fewer scenes this year, but each of them are loaded. Oh, the irony. Delicious irony. Thank you, writers, JJ. I haven't forgiven you for the 2 year gap just yet, but throw me a couple more bones like this one, and you'll redeem yourself. :)

Marshall, again, bringing the funny. Good stuff. Marshall's so much cockier this season. My goodness. They cut off Vaughn's balls and gave them to Marshall! I hope that girlfriend of his gets continuing cameos.

Sark. Sigh. Ok, you're still hot. At least you got more appearances this episode. More airtime is a step forward. BUT, I need the writers to give me layers, dammit. Hello? He's down with every mission, working with every villian in town, and wearing smoking designer suits, but that cool, aloof gig only works for so long. Dave Anders can only do so much with the perpetual lackey role they've given him before it gets dry. I'm intrigued, but if I'm not rewarded by revelation, I'll lose interest.

FlatJack again. Fuckers.

CardboardDixon. You know, if you're going to let Dixon get 2 exposition lines per ep, you might as well let him go, and get some untalented hack at a cheaper deal. Because with this? You're just wasting Carl Lumbly's time. Enough is enough.

Lauren. You still bug, but you're less offensive as this goes along. I get that we're not going to like her. And I'll give the writers credit for not shoving it in our face that we must LOVE her. They've made her human, and annoying, but they're starting to give her layers. I'm not invested, and don't see myself invested anytime soon, but I like the beginnings of something not so fucking contrived and based on jealousy as we saw tonight, for just a second. I hated the vapid "transfer out, now!" shit - extremely unreasonable, but I like the spark of respect Lauren showed for Syd in the car chase, and a willingness to accept as a woman, coworker, not just a rival. This could work. Lauren now has an arc. She'll be field rated soon enough. I like the thirst she'll have for the adrenaline rush; it'll solidify her understanding for Syd and Vaughn as people, and allow her to connect with her husband on that level. I'm grudgingly accepting this marriage now. Fuck. :)

Syd-Vaughn dream sequence rocked. Oh, that shit was GOOD. THAT's the type of emotional acknowledgment, I want from Vaughn. Just, a little affection, and a touch of warmth in his eyes. I began suspecting something was off with the kiss - Vuahgn may still carry a torch, but he didn't do adultery, too much of a noble, straight arrow. I LOVE the contrast between warm, loving Syd, and aloof Lauren. And Lauren, way to lie down on your husband's WOUND. Dumbass.

Djimon Honsou was the black new baddie tonight. He'll be back. You may recognize him from Gladiator as Russell Crowe's character's best friend. I liked him there, and I like him here. He's got a wicked quiet intensity. I highly enjoyed the scenes with Sark and Djimon together. *cackles* Two very handsome men.

Speaking of, I really enjoyed Sark and Simon collaborating. Or the idea of it - didn't intrigue as it might have. Again, I'm sad Simon's dead - he was a powerful foil. If those 3 (with Djimon) men had worked together, ooh my goodness. I think my television would have exploded. Power, ruthlessness, greed, intensity, and glorious foreign accents.

I loved the setups, and the way I kept going "oh shit" as the plot revealed that these characters were going to intersect paths. This is fun again.

- Marshall's high school picture!!!
- blackjack with Marshall
- oh, hell, the entire Marshall sequence at the Oops centre
- Jennifer's makeup rocked tonight. Really, the makeup artists are on fire. I LOVE the Electra look.
- Too bad we're losing Julia. I loved wickedSyd. Hopefully, she'll have to don that persona again sometime.
- Justin Theroux served us well. Thanks!
- Jennifer looks good in all kinds of ridiculous hair. She pulled that unflattering one off very well.
- this needs a second mention: Double agent Sloane. Ooooo, this is sick. I can't wait.

I loved Jack's line "you lose rational thought after a loved one's death." Oooh, that was loaded with subtext. Jack's drinking binge after Irina's "death," Vaughn's alcoholic conversations with dead Syd, Dixon's suicide moment at the bridge after Diane's death, Sloane's crazed revenge scheme for Dixon after Emily's demise. Wow. THIS is fabulous writing. Ahhhh, my precious layers! I loved these storylines, how these emotionally charged actions drove the story. In the end, it's not about the sex, the violence, the explosions or the gadgets, it's about desire, and anger, and passion. That's the stuff that I'll feel and remember.

Getting off my soapbox.

Trivia time! tmx is being punsihed for telling, inadvertently or otherwise, that Justin died, between my two segments. That moment lost its impact. She starts in my kingdom as a lowly peasant woman. DA, since he's slightly more with it, has a post as...hmm...a town doctor. Highest is prince and princess. gbk is an honarary member of the royal family. Unless she wants to play, too.

What regular component was missing in tonight's ep? Vague, intentionally.

There was an intentional grammar error in my entry. Where is it? HAHAHA

Any insightful comments and linkages not mentioned above. Hee! This is like English class.

Post your thoughts, guys!
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I'M SORRY!!, 10-26-03 11:19pm


I'm going to cry now because I accidentally made Jenny mad. DAMN IT, I didn't do it on purpose! Forgive me Queen of Alias? Mistress Alitar? Please? = /



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Re: I'M SORRY!!, 10-26-03 11:39pm

oh, fine. Forgiven.

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10-26-03 11:31pm

- I think the regular component was the Alias 'themesong' and swirly shit? Or was a dreaming when I watched the beginning?

-OMFG you're so fucking hilarious. I'm glad I know you. Intentional grammar error my ass. Jenny and grammatical errors? DAMN.

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Re:, 10-26-03 11:41pm

Oh, good job! That's right- not theme. You're now a milk maid. Intentional grammar error exists. AND, I tossed in another example of the prepositional rule in the entry. Did you catch it?

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meh, 10-26-03 11:31pm

... other than the numerous fragments that we all love to use.... damn, lol.. i can't find it.

Regular component... hmmm .... hmm...... "relaxed" Syd in her house talking with Weise? well, they sort made up for that in the hospital room chatting scene...... umm..



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Re: meh, 10-26-03 11:41pm

NO. Wrong.

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hmm, 10-26-03 11:36pm

Trying to find lame ones now..

"The right amount of tension, action, great pace."

Missing an and?


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Re: hmm, 10-26-03 11:43pm

NO. Wrong again.
It's not fragments, a typo, or a small omission of articles.

It's an obviously WRONG usage error. Hee!

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10-26-03 11:57pm

I don't see any grammar mistake!

Right now, I'm guessing...
-In the end, it's not about the sex, the violence, the explosions or the gadgets, it's about desire, and anger, and passion.
-and this..."Because with this? " (cardboard dixon) isn't really a sentence is it?

About the preposition thing...? Is this it?
-JJ said that he wanted the two year jump specifially to tell Sloane's story, and I imagine this is the material to which he was referring.

Okay. I'm wasting time to get more status which probably isn't coming. Time to work on my bio, lol.

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Re:, 10-27-03 4:41pm

You're right on the 2nd example. Wrong, still, on the grammar error. There are actaully two, now that I reread by entry. lol. Answers tomorrow.

Congratulations, tmx, you are a milk maid.

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Re:, 10-27-03 4:43pm

You're right on the 2nd example. Wrong, still, on the grammar error. There are actaully two, now that I reread by entry. lol. Answers tomorrow.

Congratulations, tmx, you are a milk maid.

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Re: Re:, 10-27-03 5:49pm

omg! I really ruined everything this week, didn't I? Last week I did one thing and i'm promoted to princess status. This week, I do TWO, and I'm STILL a frickin MILK MAID. DAMN IT. lol. DA, next week, you're not answering the question, okay? lol. IT"S MINEEEEEEEE.

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Re: Re:, 10-30-03 11:19pm

Farm hand DA would like to know what those grammatical errors are... were? are?? were?? .. hmmm. .there are still there right now.. so.. are?? lol

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-31-03 12:10pm

Aw, DA, let it go, don't be scared! I won't kill you! Your tentativeness is amusing. Hee!

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10-27-03 11:12pm

hehe...i'll stick with being an honorary member, since my status would go down if I actually tried. That and I'm very late...

I can't believe you had something better to do than watch Alias. *in shock* Yeah, I wish Simon stuck around...but for me mainly because I thought his accent was cool. Wtf was up with his bowler hat costume thing?! And why did Jack go himself? If they were able to capture Vaughn and find out that he was CIA, they could obviously do the same for Jack. he's supposed to be smarter than that! and the only thing I'll miss about Simon is the fact that now we won't find out more about Julia...(and I LOVE how he says "julia")

I thought it was the dumbest thing ever that Lauren asked Syd to transfer out. I didn't feel like the writers wanted us to love her. She did a bitchy thing, and then apologized but she's still a bitch! her smile when she was doing the car chase thing was cute though... I would totally be like that if I were her.

Sark still isn't in it enough! and he doesn't talk enough either. I need more of the accent!! and I'm so sad that Djimon Honsou is the bad guy. I loved all his characters (okay, the 2 that i've seen) and now I'm going to hate him.

And Marshall!!!! the high school picture was soooo funny...and the fact that they kept it up there. gold. but her hair in the casino place was just plain UGLY.

and the dream sequence? I was totally believing it until they started to kiss and it made me so happy!! And when he woke up and Lauren asked him if he remembered her (which, by the way, what the fuck kind of question is that to ask your husband who practically just woke from the dead??) ...when she asked him that I totally wanted him to lie and say no so he could get back with Syd. and then Lauren would be gone and the world would be perfect. damn.

but yay, good episode. Sloane is great. I hope they keep on coming

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Re:, 10-27-03 11:28pm

lol.. well.. it seems for jenny that..



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Re: Re:, 10-28-03 11:21am

AHHHH!! No! NO!!

I HAD to go downstairs for the pizza, to pick it up from the delivery guy. It HAD to be me because it was my student card that they had to verify. I came back and ran to turn off the TV because I didn't want to see anything out of sequence!

My loyalty is NOT to be questioned!

For that, DA, congratulations, you're now a farmhand.


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Re: Re: Re:, 10-28-03 12:39pm

You should have been like, hey.. pizza boy.. you sit there and WAIT.. Alias is on!

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