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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 10-3-2002 at 6:47pm
This is for (you) and for AJ because Orf, you're right.. no reason why I should sell out.

I really have nothing to say. The past week has kind of blurred into a few days so yeah. My parents bought me a car, 2002 Camry but now my mom likes it so they're buying me another car. I think as of now a Toyota Solara so yeah. Thats all I think.

I'm really pissed at band people... 20 freaking holes on Saturday... how are we supposed to rehearse with freaking 20 holes?!? irresponsible bastards.. they've known bout this rehearsal since freakin August...grr.

I had a dream last night.. it was quite weird... Andy.. I dreamt of you lol its kinda creepy... Andy's been popping up in a lot of my dreams lately.. maybe i'm secretly in love with him? haha The dream was kinda weird.. Sara B and Abby D and Brittany were there too and I was in Detroit, Michigan for a second then in Ft.Lauderdale, Fl... yeah. ask and i'll explain

thats it. I hope you're happy.

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10-03-02 7:06pm

yes vivi, you can't leave woohu and not post. youre the reason most of us are on here, and it wouldnt be the same without you....or something like that. i dont see how you could ever leave woohu, with your sex dreams about andy and all.

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solara!, 10-03-02 7:20pm

yay for vivi's car. maybe now it means you won't bitch about how uncool mine is ;)

we've gotta go driving, so i can make sure that you're a safe as driver as you tell me to be

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10-03-02 8:20pm

huh? sex?

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10-04-02 2:10pm

:-D I dreamed about yogurt last night...


...actually I didn't. Im sorry

*eats yogurt*

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my toes smell like coka-cola, 10-05-02 7:26pm

mmmmm yogurt, anyway, yeah sucks to the non-there band people! eh hiya vivi, you have a car good for you. i say you should have a raod trip to canada and come see me ;)

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Re: my toes smell like coka-cola, 10-06-02 10:46am

lol you live soooo far away... west coast Canada... i think i'd have better luck flying :0)

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Re: Re: my toes smell like coka-cola, 10-06-02 1:18pm

lol - gives vivi a pair of wings- well if you come to canada, at the boarder you get a complmentary beaver

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Re: Re: Re: my toes smell like coka-cola, 10-08-02 11:35pm

sure you do britt....i never got a beaver when i crossed the border :( now i feel left out

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Re: Re: Re: Re: my toes smell like coka-cola, 10-09-02 10:16am

you did too get one, it's just mammoth-dog ate it, along with my house!

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