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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 10-27-2003 at 5:17pm
Subject: on site admissions rock.
definately got into FIU today.
definately got offered scholarship money.
sweet ass, i'm going to college haha.

i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens w/everything else... keeping my fingers crossed.
I think i need to actually take a trip down to Miami and see this school now that I can go there :0)

hmmmmm i think UCF is next on the reply list then Nov 25th is onsite FAU visit (you know how they like the IB folk)
then FSU & UF and thats all folks.
I think i'm going to apply to USF ... i'm not sure yet.
this sucks.
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10-27-03 6:39pm

hoorayyyyyy! congrads miss vi, woo for college, woo for school...

miami is apparently the place to be, i have a friend who goes to j&w and she loves living down there so i guess it's a good time...

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10-27-03 7:36pm

tristan's parents are both teachers at FIU

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Re:, 10-27-03 10:04pm

wow, sam commented on something college-related without mentioning new college. im shocked.

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Re: Re:, 10-28-03 7:07pm

haha i put up the new college flag in timbos class today :0P

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10-27-03 11:21pm


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10-31-03 11:52pm

Eh I sorta got a new journal on here ; click here i might come back to this one later on .. who knows but if you'd add that one to your friends list id be happy :)

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Re:, 12-02-03 10:52pm

so nice

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