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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 10-28-2003 at 6:01am
Current mood: good
Music: The Clash-Tainted Love
Subject: hmm
wow this morning im feeling a lot better then...ever. i think maybe becuase i actally accomplished something last night instead of just sleeping the minute i got home. thats always good, now tonight i have to study for permit thingy, do my online work, and work on my bio project, which hopefully i can handle. i was bored this morning so i cut up my shirt yay.

on a more 'thoughtful' note, i hate when ppl say don't label me. i say it too so im being a hupocrite but i guess wether you like it or not people are going to label you, its life. i guess what im trying to say is maybe people shouldn't label themsleves so when a stranger views them as a punk and they thought they were preppy they wouldn't get it makes sense to me

the one and only,
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11-01-03 3:04pm

dude that was the dumbest shit ever. music gives you a label not the clothes you wear. anyway on a different note, that song tainted loved that yo uwere listening to when you wrote this entry was NOT written by the clash it was written and preformed by soft cell. lol figured i would let you know.-Ray-

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