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punkxtrixie (profile) wrote,
on 10-29-2003 at 2:38pm
Current mood: hate
Music: tsl :: im real
Subject: i have no idea
mosh pit
You will get trampled by a bunch of angry people in
a mosh pit. Oh well, you asked for it. You
gotta be careful in those things!

The Bizarre Cause Of Death Quiz! [With Pics]
brought to you by Quizilla

yes...thats right, maybe i should go to a show this weekend so i can die and be done with not
I LOVE YOU JASON, with all i have...i love you to pieces, you're soooooo special to me. you're the best thing in my life, i really dont know what i'd do without you. and *thanks for everything*.

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10-29-03 6:19pm

You should make up your mind about who you love...first you love sean then you love jason...and then some other guy? Who else man? Well just a suggestion! I luv ya bunches!
bye bye

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10-29-03 6:51pm

hey whit! arg..i'm so bored. how come you're never on when i'm on anymore? grr..i should get on earlier. i got my costume thing...wait, i got my teeth. haha, vampire teeths. they look so re-re ish. oh well...i don't care. i'm like, a goth, vampire, sparkly cape wearing, re-re. lol, i might wear my gothish looking skirt cuz it's cool...yeah, i saw chelsea in hot topic today. she was there with her mom. OH! my mom said i can dye my hair BLACK for halloween! but just temporary because i have no desires for black hair. so it'll be temporary. but yay! black hair. that will be so cool...maybe, i dunno. grr! pig's sqeaking. would you like pig? arg, she's like those little old ladies at my church. haha, steve's birthday's tomorrow. we got him an ice maker cuz he likes his ice! but it's just big cubes so we had to go get him an ice crusher too...and now i have to make these stupid cupon things that says I will PERSONALLY crush his ice for him...god, what a spoiled man. yeah...i have to do my hw now..grr...byez

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hey, 10-29-03 7:03pm

I took that quiz and I got the same thing....

We are both gonna die the same bizzare way. lol

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