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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 10-31-2003 at 4:04am
Current mood: tired
Music: trouble-pink
Subject: baCK yET agaIN
hey yall im back. i took some time off to think about everything thats going on in my life, so i guess im done with it sence im back. i thought alot about the ppl that i love and how i love them. just a friend. nothing more, nothing less. mikey - friend. jacob - friend....and so on. so u see it was all pretty easy to see who and how i loved all the guys in my life. up untill kelly. he had to be mean. i like him more than as just a friend, but i dont know....ahh i dont know!! ok now im all confused, but i wont dissipear again i guess. err. ok happy halloween yall have fun eggin pplz houses and....DO NOT HAVE TO MUCH WILD MONKEY SEX!! ------oh here is a thinker....A.I.D.S. - a man had sex with a gorrilla, got A.I.D.S. went home, gave it to his wife, who was having an affair, and ended up giving it to her lover....and the cycle just continues. last pole taken, there were 10 million ppl in the us that knew that they had aids, and the us govornment spends around 13 billion dollars on aids treatment EVERY YEAR. ......yea ok i learned that in Health, and decided to share.
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Wisdom, 10-31-03 11:32pm

Rachel! Your Words of wisdom astound me. Im glad ur not gonna go and just dispa-pear again. ..Umm Sorry I was mean?*? Im glad ya shared ur rather interesting aids story.

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