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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 11-1-2003 at 4:56am
Current mood: annoyed
Music: so yesterday-hilary duff
ok, i finally decide to get back on the internet and cum back to all my friends on here, and yeah, i have to leave, at least for the weekend. we pay our internet bill i guess by like 2 months at a time and our "time" has gone by, and it happend friday night, and since its the weekend they aint open, so i wont be able to get on for the rest of the weekend, and only after that if dad remembers to call, which is rather optional, cuz hes stupid and never remembers to....SO....just when ever i get on again, i get on again. right now im at gramma's and we just got done with a baby shower for julie and dustin, and of course brooklyn, so i have to go and help clean up now so see yall when i see ya.
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11-04-03 2:35pm

Then Ill see ya (hopefully) after your delayed absence from the internet, and I guess I just hope your done 'thinking' for awhile... yes, yes I can say it... I miss you.


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11-04-03 2:35pm

Then Ill see ya (hopefully) after your delayed absence from the internet, and I guess I just hope your done 'thinking' for awhile... yes, yes I can say it... I miss you.


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