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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-5-2003 at 4:00pm
Current mood: excited
Subject: Confusion mixed w/ excitment!!
I'm very excited! This Friday I'm going to the Broken Sunday concert at my school. It's gonna' rock, I love rock and christian so the combo. is great. Not only that but next week competitve cheer starts! YAY! I've been so bored w/o having something to do after school. The bus is too loud and it gives me such a huge headache!! lordy... it's not even cool. So anyway... that guy that I was talking about in my last entry is really confusing me. Normally when he has a girl friend he doesn't flirt w/ other ppl, not as much as usual at least. But he still flirts with me, I don't get it! Well okay correction he still flirts w/ me when she's not around, but today after class we were walking together and when she came up things got strangely quiet and awkward. It was a little weird, not a good situation. Well I shalt stop boring you now. Have a wonderful day!!
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Woot., 11-06-03 4:37pm

o.0 When is the concert?! I may be able to go. Yay. Maybe. I don't know.

Aw... Everything will work out with you and.. uh.. him. Lol. I won't say his name because I don't know if you want his name spoken or not.

Anywhore... Ttyl.

- J U S T I N E -

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11-06-03 6:36pm

Yo. I have a journal on here too. In fact, I've had it about a year. Lol. I'm just an online journal loser. Ohhh well. So I'd thought I'd say hello and add you to my friends list so I could read about your daily events and happenings. Love you.

oh, by the way, who is this guy? 0.o?

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Re:, 11-06-03 8:02pm

how do u add people to your friends list... I have tried and failed!! darnit! and the guy is Jake. Love ya' tonz

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Re: Re:, 11-06-03 8:10pm

Go to their profile, then hit "add friend"

So Jake who?

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Re: Re: Re:, 11-06-03 8:14pm

Thank you deeply... I can add my friends now!!

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 11-06-03 8:19pm

hehe. No problem.

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11-08-03 3:40pm

i'm not going to the concert but i hope ya have fun!!! my little b-day buddy (okay if you don't know who this is now i am gonna be mad)

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