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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-6-2003 at 8:03pm
Current mood: loved
Music: Steph playing her flute!
Subject: An entry.
For those of you who don't know when the Brocken Sunday concert is it's Friday @ 7pm in the high school auditorium. It costs 5$. (I thought that it cost 3$ but I was wrong.) I might not be able to go anymore tho... evilness. I hate things that cost money, I only work in the summer, I have NO money!! Well not enough at least. lol I guess that might just be me tho, I tend to spend money the second I get it... unless I want something pretty expensive.... But anyway, I'm so bored. There is nothing to say really, except "hi how ya' doin' good? me too well g2g now buh bye" so i guess this shall be a short entry thing. I will see y'all later... have a LOVELY DAY!!
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Oi., 11-08-03 12:46am

Sorry, Jacqui Jean. I didn't go the concert. Heh, I ended up drooling all over my pillow at 4:00 PM, when I got home. In other words, I was sleeping. I didn't wake up until 8:30 PM, so... I kind-of missed it. Sucky excuse, but hey... It's the truth.

Did you even go?

Anywhore. Later.

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Re: Oi., 11-09-03 5:09pm

That's okay, I actually didn't go either! hehehe. My excuse... no one else was goin' for sure and I have no money at all.

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11-08-03 3:43pm

i know how ya feel...i have hardly any money either. :(

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11-09-03 1:05pm

Hey jacqui, its stephanie lewis...heh, i was browsing and found your going to add you to my friends list...;)

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