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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 11-7-2003 at 9:06pm
Current mood: pissed off
Music: Pharrell- Frontin'
Subject: I am pissed off
Wow, lots of stuff happened today. I barely know where to start. I'll just start with the regular, unexciting yet fun stuff.
School was great, very relaxing nothing special. Felt good basically all day.
Went home with Dorina and Maxi and watched "Secretary", weird movie but still kind of sexy in its own twisted way.
I found out something pretty big, and it's really upsetting me and making me extremely pissed off. it's hard to have respect for people when you know what assholes they can be. You know when you think something is lost, and it's really not...? That's about how I feel, I won't tell you anymore but you get the basic idea.
Then at Maxi's, my mom called, basically crying her heart out on the phone. It's pretty scary, especially because my mom doesn't cry a lot. I got very scared, even though it might not have seemed like it, I was freaking out. My nature is really just to keep stuff like that to myself and just deal with it. I can't talk about these things with others, I just can't. Then I get home, all worried and all and she's basically crying for nothing. Ya, she might be upset about a few minor things. No reason to cry though. Crying is over estiamted, you cry when you're upset not just at any time. That's how it is for me anyway. It just pisses me off, that I have to get all worried for nothing.
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