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lowbacca1977 (profile) wrote,
on 11-8-2003 at 12:13am
i've decided to do something productive with this.......and so i ask for suggestions to a list of movies that are movies that are imperative for someone to have a sense of taste, humour, etc. the best of the best. not just like a bunch of stuff in last 10 years either. ready for it? go!
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11-08-03 4:41pm

*Star Wars: A New Hope (sci-fi fantasy)
*The Empire Strikes Back (sequel to above)
*Pulp Fiction (kinda a bit of everything)
*Gladiator (epic)
*Amelie (drama)
*Fight Club (psychological thriller action movie)
*Memento (more psycho less action)
*Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (blarg!)
*The Breakfast Club (80's teen angst)
*Bloodsport (kung foo/true story)
*Return of the Jedi (eh, deserves some credit) ;)

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More Suggestions, 11-08-03 6:52pm

Land Before Time 1
Land Before Time 2
Land Before Time 1138

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Re: More Suggestions, 11-08-03 7:20pm

You know what's funny is that they didn't even put a number on the last one.
Same goes for Home Alone. Apparently they made a straight-to-video Home Alone 4 but they didn't put the number on it.

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