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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 11-10-2003 at 4:32am
Current mood: scared
Music: invisiable-clay ~~~ (dont know last name)
Subject: Fibroids and Overies
wow. got sum rather shocking news today. i might have fibroids on my overies. yup. theyre basically little growths on them...yea gross i know, but hey i caint help it!! anyways i have to go get an ultrasound and get it checked out, and if i do have them, i have to have surgery A.S.A.P. because they could lead up to cancer and i would have to have a hysterectamine or however u spell it. yea so its no big deal...*_*. im like scared to death right now. iv cried alot today cuz i dont even want to think about it, but hey, it might not be that big of a deal, cuz we dont know that i for sure have them. well, i shall be going now. later
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11-10-03 9:08pm

Hope for the best? I dont think theres a hole lot I can say on that subject... But cross ur fingers.

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