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Rina (profile) wrote,
on 11-12-2003 at 7:04pm
Current mood: grrrr
Music: Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
Subject: but i LIKE doing mindless things..
Sweet! Im on my mom's computer doing 'homework.' i cant believe she falls for that every time! lmao ;D anyways..Today we had flute sectionals after school and it wasnt that bad. turns out, whenever i play a really high note, im always in tune. like exactly on the little line thing kind of in tune. for everyone who knows what im talking about, i hope you're duly impressed. lmao. its not that big a deal since i still think Daniels needs a complete personality overhaul. :D ummm... we are still working on those damn self portraits, and i think its getting worse.. you see, im good at drawing other people and still lifes and stuff, but when it comes to a self portrait, i completly bomb at it. grrr.
i forgot: Andrea, I need to talk to you!!!!
ok, moving on. Any of you take the dumb quiz i took yesterday? I still think its way mucho nifty that im hell's librarian. :D yea, im just cool like that.. The O.C. is on tonight! for those of you who have no idea what im talking about - go away and hide in some corner. that's where you obviously were when they started the show. ;D ooo, im sooo nice. guess what? im not allowed to play ps2. no computer (except when i sneak on), and now no ps2. (just wait til no one's home) i LIKE mindless gaming. its very amusing. even my dad likes it. well, only jak and daxter, but thats ok :D me and lisa paid for it. she cant tell me i cant go on! ahhh! she's aiming to take my tv priveleges away too. i can feel it. .:shudder:.
besides that, im doin good. math is easy like crap but most of the students in my class are dumb as a brick. no- they're not dumb.. they're slow. very slow. its not hard people!! i should just learn the book for myself. .:sigh:.
whoa buddy! this is getting kinda long.. i dont mean for it either. maybe i should reduce my vocabulary. no knows what the crap im talking about anyways, so i guess it'd do more good than harm. I'm going to finish homework. (aka exploring the vast wonders of the internet)
~The person who provides the icy sarcasm that is very much needed in your life O.o
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hey, 11-13-03 2:51pm

yo pineapple head, i hear ya need to talk to me.
stoned cheerleader

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Re: hey, 11-15-03 10:33am

Hey yo!! I haven't talked to you in a while!! Well, I was just wonderin how everything's goin and if you had fun at the fair and stuff..
:D Rina

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