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moana (profile) wrote,
on 11-13-2003 at 10:35am
Current mood: contemplative
Music: radiohead - idioteque
Subject: it's over...
it's over... i can't believe MUN is over! bah i feel so sad it's over, but so happy i was all smart, then so sad they didn't debate my resolution and then happy again because the canadian ambassador (the real one, was aguest speaker at the closing ceremony) said i was talented and brilliant, but sad again cuz i miss the hot guy (*sigh* my beloved hot chair) yet happy again because i'm just all that. that was a long sentence. meh, ah well. and YAAAY! woohu works at home now! *half-ass happy dance* i saw nasser (yes your nasser andy) and blag (kramer) setting up in the auditorium today when we were leaving. it was wierd, they were so dedicated to their works they came to school on a friggin thursday morning, to practice. dan wasn't even there, so i thought it kind of strange to practice without a whole instrument, but still, i was impressed. and what is wrong with roxanne? damn capitalist... wouldn't know humanity if it hit her on the head. COMMUNISM WILL RISE AGAIN! GOD BLESS FIDEL CASTRO! LONG LIVE THE LEGEND OF CHE GUEVARA! ALL HAIL MAO DSE DUNG! ok i'm done.
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11-14-03 3:04am

hehe, yeah they go every thursday to practice. I dont think DAn was there cos he had work to do or something. I was sitting around yesterday and Nasser calls and he says "Hey beans, we're playing Minerva and we have a lack of singer wanna come?" OF COURSE! But it was an hour before Futoor so I couldnt go :( next time inshallah. Wanna come next time? Be a Fusillade groupie? hehe

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