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confused+abused (profile) wrote,
on 11-14-2003 at 4:07pm
Subject: confused
Went to Corbins funeral and even tho we weren't like best friends i cried my heart out maybe because every time someone i know dies they take a piece of me with them or even that im scared... of death maybe... Corbin really died, those kind of things don't happen to people we know... unless their old ya know ... thats the way it seems almost... i wrote a poem for him it goes a bit like this...

After the end...

For every tear we shed,
and every breath we breath,
we're only growing closer,
to our friend that had to leave,
Every moment without him,
seems like centuries in time,
everything happens for a reason,
bu the reason for this we have yet to find.
We don't understand god's plan right now,
but in time things may get clearer,
when we go home to stay with corbin,
this pain will be much easier to bear.
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11-14-03 6:39pm

At least you went!

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Re:, 11-14-03 7:10pm

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11-14-03 7:19pm

oops my bad... i felt soo bad even though i dont know the kid. i found out the day that it happend right when i got home from school. i was so sad...

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11-16-03 2:10pm

thats a good poem

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