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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 11-14-2003 at 8:48pm
Current mood: weird
Music: my paper heart by all american rejects
Subject: hmm....
hey ppls! well the last time i wrote was wednesday. ima tell u bout thursday and friday. well on thursday i talked to the spanish guy. he told me he hadn't been able to call me cuz he got grounded and then he got mad at me for not having called him at all. hehe i told him i don't do things like that and he's like u need to get rid of that pride hehe. i had to play the keyboard in the library and i played my two songs and him and the chunky guy were like clapping and yelling my name soooooo loud! ( IT'S A LIBRARY!) haha they got bitched at by the lib. ladies. daphne was there! omg it was soooo embarassing cuz she sees me ...... and she goes "THAIMI WHICH ONE'S THE SPANISH GUY?!" ..... the spanish guy was right next to me!!!!! i was like.....omg....omg....omg hehe thank god he can't understand i just sat there and ignored her and he's like " what did she say? " and im like....."....uh...nothing..." hehe he's like don't lie to me! hehe but w/e. when we were in the class i was tellin him bout how like i wear glasses and he had told me that he thinks ppl look better with glasses cuz it makes them look smart. so he made me try on the chunky guy's glasses and he was like "WOW! YOU LOOK .... WOW!" he kept tellin me that i needed to wear my glasses.......hahah iwas like trust me....u don't wanna see me in my glasses hehe. but ya......then today i think he was mad at me....cuz i walked upstairs and he was at the top of the stairs waiting for me and im like "hey" and i kept walking......and he's like i don't get a kiss.........and im like...uh.... hehe so i go and give him a kiss on the cheek and he gave me this face like gosh i have to ask?! but yea he didnt even sit next to me he like walked around and didn't look at me cuz he was angry......but then eventually he came and sat next to me and was like playing with my hands. he was like shocked that they were my real nails or something hehe. that freak. omg he said i was his gf again! mario kept hitting me with this chain thing and i was like yellin at him to leave me the fuck alone. so the spanish guy sees and goes up to mario and he's like.....stop messin wit her! and mario's like.....what is she ur girlfriend or something?! and he goes like......yes! i was like......what?! no im not! hehe i didnt say anything though i just pretended like i didnt hear him....but's weird cuz he hasn't asked me out or anything but he just says that we're going least i don't think we're going out hahah it'd be funny if we've been going out this whole time and i just didn't know it....hahahah! today we had a pep rally. it was so boring cuz i couldn't find shilpa or anything so i had to sit by myself.......and i screwed up the signs so i ended up sitting in the freshmen side! haha im such a loser. HAHAH OMG SOMEONE BLEW UP A CONDOM RITE SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STEP TEAM'S ROUTINE! hahhahahahhah hilarious! the thing was just like floating over our heads....haha and when the step team finished someone threw the condom wrapper over the bleachers to where they were performing hahahhahahah priceless.........SCHOOL SPIRIT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! hahahah! u gotta love hillsborough. well that's bout all the interesting stuff that happened today.......yep to u guys laterz. buhz byez

tonite's song: the trouble with love is by kelly clarkson
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l-o-s-e-r i-s t-h-a-i-m-i, 11-15-03 7:23pm

haha u loser...u had to sit with freshmen! hahahhaha! loser! JK

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