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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-15-2003 at 8:38pm
Current mood: amused
Music: grd
Today was somewhat cool. Shelly came over and we hung out for a while. We played a game that was a mix between soccor and volleyball in my room and managed to know down almost every breakable thing that was in there and a few other things. It was quite fun tho!!
If you're lookin' for a funny movie to see I recommend "Loony Tunes: Back in Action" it's very funny, kinda' stupid but funny!!
I'm bored not too many people are on at the moment. I am SO excited about the play. I'm going on Friday. I've been looking forward to it since they held the tryouts for it!! lol, yes I'm a dork I know... but that's never stopped me before!!! hehehe. Well I will be off now, have a lovely day!!
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i'm going too!, 11-16-03 12:30pm

hey..i'm going to the play Friday too w/ Emily. maybe i'll see ya there. i just keep forgetting to buy the ticket. lol. hey there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a dork. i'm like the queen of dorks. lol

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