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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 11-15-2003 at 10:21pm
Music: Backstreet Boys: Larger Than Life
I got a hold of Mel after work last night. We ended up going to see Matrix 3 and then eating at Taco Bell. It was extremely nice to get out. It’s the first time in a while that I’ve been able to completely ignore my problems. We vented to each other during our dinner, which was a nice change. I can’t believe that it had been almost three months since I last saw her.

My roommates are complete sluts. A guy that slept with Jay on Thursday slept with josh on Friday. It might be less disturbing if they believed in using condoms. I vented with Jess at work about this. At some point during the conversation she said that I was the only abnormal one in the house. She meant it in a good way, but it also disturbed me. Why is the gay stereotype so true? Why are all these guys complete sluts? And then they complain that they’re being judged on the stereotypes. If you are the stereotype, why complain, change yourself.

My fucking parking spot was taken. GRR. So I’m parked in front of the neighbor’s house. I think it’s Louie’s car, the kid that Jay brought home tonight. I drove him home because he was drunk, and seemed really nice. He actually tried to turn down the ride when Jay asked me, so he scored a few points there. Talked with him on the ride, screwed up kid, but the most down to earth one I’ve met in a while.

That’s all for tonight, I’m too tired to think anymore.
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11-17-03 3:47pm

Ain't that the truth! It's like the guy who complains about other gay guys who don't communicate their true intentions and act friendly towards another just to get into bed.
And then what does he do? Leads you on till he gets in your pants and then acts like he doesn't know you when he sees you again. Great way to practice what you preach.

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condoms..., 12-07-03 4:25pm

Sometimes "sleeping" doesn't mean fucking and I have never once not used a condom when I ahve sex. Also, being a slut is not a gay stereotype, it's a human stereotype. If you feel like reading my

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12-07-03 7:32pm

I also assumed being I let your friend borrow my car while hers was smashed that perhaps you could have brought home my friend. If you didn't want to, you coulda said no

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Re:, 12-07-03 10:36pm

Sorry if I jumped to conclusions on a few things. The condom part was aimed at Josh (and the guys that allow him to not use them), not you. And I had no problem driving Louie home.

My journal is meant for venting, and not much thought goes into the entries until I read them the next day, ignore half of what I write.

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Excuse me., 12-07-03 11:40pm

First of all, what I do in my bedroom is none of your business.

Secondly, I very rarely have intercourse, just so you know.

Third, though I hate the idea of condoms on a philosophical level (in an established, loving, monogamous relationship in which both partners are HIV-negative, they aren't necessary, and to put a barrier between two people participating in an act that symbolizes love has some pretty strong symbolism of its own), that doesn't mean that I don't use them. Allowing ideals to get in the way of safety is stupid. And no, I'm not in relationships with all of the guys I have sex with. I'm not proud of that, but I'm not entirely ashamed of it either. Straight people hook up, too, so don't go ranting about the gay stereotype.

I find it significant that you neglected to mention the favor that Jay did for "your" friend. I also find it significant that she was over more in the first week that Jay was back than she had been almost all summer. You might have more friends if you didn't always talk shit about people, and said something nice once in a while.

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Re: Excuse me., 12-08-03 11:34am

No, what you do with your body is not any of my business. And what I do with my life is none of yours as well, yet you still comment on that.

What you consider to be rarely and what other people do are entirely different. Yes, it is ultimately up to the couple to decide the use of protection, and in an “established, loving, monogamous relationship in which both partners are HIV-negative,” but how long do you have to be together to establish that? Even with condoms HIV transmission is possible. Your “relationships” that rarely last long enough to even be considered that. Straight people do hook up, but they do have fewer stereotypes placed on them for these actions. Ask any straight person what a stereotypical gay person is. What they will say is not what we actually are. In order to reverse the stereotypes we must actually hold ourselves to higher standards and prove who we are. I hope to actually become even with straight people, but to do so requires some effort on our part. Sure our friends realize who we are, but the general population does not. This is one of my goals in life, and your actions, and those of other gay people do make these goals harder for me to achieve.

Why should I be required to mention in my journal that Jay let Katie borrow his car? I didn’t know it happened until far afterward, and it didn’t seem important. The only things that I write about are what I feel strongly about. The only reason she was over so much that week was because her power was out, if it hadn’t been, I would have been over at her place.

You complain that I’m always negative about people. Have you ever noticed that it’s only about people that I don’t like? Do I ever talk badly about Katie or Jason, or any of my close friends? I have an occasional flare up, but it’s just that and life goes back to normal. Just because I go to visit them instead of having them come over doesn’t mean I don’t have any either. Some of them dislike you even more than I and refuse to come to my/our house.

Once again this is a journal, I vent my frustrations here because you flip out when I bring them to you. This is my therapy so I don’t go crazy. I may be negative quite often, but that’s just who I am. I feel I treat you far too well for who you are and how you treat me. I have yet you receive any money from you before bills are due, yet you’re on a full scholarship and I’m taking out the maximum loans and basically working full time while taking a similar credit load to what you are. For as smart as you think you are, you’re one of the dumbest people I know. I may not be the brightest person either, but at least I can admit it.

So, if you don’t like me fuck off, I don’t care. I am who I am and I will not change for someone I don’t even care to be near. Enough for now, I’m tired of this.

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12-08-03 12:04pm

Apropos your dream to reform stereotype, perhaps you might want to think more deeply about what the stereotype actually is. They're more likely to talk about gossip queens who talk about others behind their backs than they are to talk about the sexual licentiousness of the gay population. I try to build real gay community, by building friendships with groups of gay people -- me, Kyle, Paul, Jordan, Eric, Jay, Amber. Being a moral zealot isn't the way to reform people.

I've tried, on multiple occasions, to extend my friendship to you, but none of it seems to matter. After the thing with Paul at the beginning of Jay's jail sentence, and how you reacted, I made it a point to ask about your thoughts about Paul staying with us after Jay's return. I didn't just ask your approval, I actually solicited your opinions. When you were sick, I brought you orange juice. I extended an invitation to take you out for your birthday (something that you haven't really responded to, nor have you told me when you'd be free), and you didn't even wish me a happy birthday on mine. As for the money issue, well, it shouldn't be an issue. If you'd like money sooner, ask me. Talk to me besides when you're stir-crazy or you want something. I get distracted easily by things (in case you haven't noticed), so maybe go for a walk with me to get money from the ATM.

If you tried treating me like a person, things would go much more smoothly in this house.

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Re:, 01-12-04 3:01pm

To make this easy on myself, I'm just going to list a few points:

By making your community only of gays you're separating yourself from society. It may be true that “Being a moral zealot isn't the way to reform people,” but we do have to act better than the stereotypes, otherwise people are justified in believing them.

Your effort for friendship didn't begin until after you took it for granted. I didn't realize the OJ was because I was sick, I thought it was to replace what you drank. I didn't bring up the birthday thing, because it would be rude, you don't set up your own party, it's up to your friends. I completely forgot your birthday. I shouldn't need to ask for money sooner. When I tell you it's because I need it to pay the bill, I need time to deposit the money before I write the check so I don't need to float you. The rent you should remember yourself. Why should I have to walk with you to the ATM? If we were actually friends, I might.

I did treat you as a person and I only got grief for it; so I now treat you as you are, if you don't like it, actually change yourself. I also would like some respect from you. Was it really smart to have friends over drinking before the first night of finals? Kyle (I think that was his name) was actually loud enough to wake me up. That is very hard to do. Out of four hours of sleep last night I was woken up three times. I would have told him to leave, but I don't want a drunken person driving home.

Admit your own faults. Not everything is because of me; I've given you more leeway than I have any other roommate, yet you are still the least successful.

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