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robbingnovember (profile) wrote,
on 10-21-2002 at 5:28pm
Current mood: nostalgic
Music: Change
Subject: How many special people change?
really written 9/13/01
"I'm trapped. I can't look away. Your eyes have enchanted me. There is something pure in them, it gives you away. Your different, unique, someone trying to fit in where i obviously don't belong. Your laugh is infectious. I can't help but smile. I go out of my way to see you. Its no trouble, it brightens my day. I know i am just a nobody; you don't even know i exist. I'm not even your type. Don't worry your not mine either, but let me ask you something. Do you believe in fate?"
interesting quote from an interesting person: "and if music be the food of love i'm overeating"
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hi, 10-21-02 6:43pm

"oh, i'd really like to meet your eyes on common ground, i'd really like to see if we fit perfectly together..."

yeah. i don't know what to write so i am leaving a a quote from my great one.

ta ta now.

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