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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 11-25-2003 at 1:14pm
Current mood: happy
Music: That rap song where they say 'chillin at the Holiday Inn'
I just wanted to get a more positive sounding entry in, so...

Finally we have reached Thanksgiving break, I know its only 3 extra days, but It gives time for some of my family to come in and a well needed break from school, Atlantic and PBCC. Finally got my clear lights for my car, just need to save a few bucks for the red and yellow bulbs (white bulbs on turn signals and side markers are illegal).

I watched drumline which was kind of a cool movie. The only thing I didn't like about it was that it had to be a 'black movie'. I'm not racist or anything, but you know how for some movies, thats the only way to describe them? barbershop, friday? anyone? All the bands played rap music except for one, and they ended up playing old school soul near the end. I just liked it because it was about percussion which was cool. The movie itself wasnt that great at all tho.

For some reason I've been having these elaborate day-dreams of playing in a band. But it's more specific. I'm in Charleston, S.C. (no surprise there), at some local bar and I'm playing a cover of 'Sweet Home Chicago'. And when it's over people want to hear another song, so I just start playing on a groove. Really funky ya know, and everybody is into it and I'm playing like I've never played before. And then I notice just one girl in the back not responding at all. So afterwards I walk over to her to ask her if she enjoyed the show and she would say one thing that just completely blows me away, but in ny dream I don't know what it is that she says. But I believe that is how I would meet the person that I connect with. So much between two people can ride on a single statement where it brings everything together. But what, oh, what did she say to me??
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11-26-03 6:05pm

Makin' the cool car even cooler? All right!

Hah, I haven't seen Drumline in a long time. It really was a black movie... there's just no other way to put it. I like the actual band scenes. Ah, marching nostalgia. You should drag together some band people to watch it with you if you ever choose to do so again, the comments would be great.

It sounds like an awesome daydream. I wonder what she says? ^_~

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