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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-25-2003 at 8:56pm
Current mood: giggly
Hola chicas y chicos!! Como estas? Yo muy BIEN!!!!! Sorry had to practice my spanish, Isa is coming over Thursday for dinner and I don't wanna say something bad!! I can tell her lots of story's about people and monkeys. hehe. lovely eh? Sorry now I went Canadian... I have language problems. I do believe this is the first time I've written and been truly happy!! Ain't it grand? Ya' know what sux? This week is the best week of the school year... but it only lasted 2 FRICKIN' DAYZ!! lol, how messed up is that??!! LALALA. I am sooo bored. A lot of my buddies are gone cuz they're bowling w/ the band. I don't really mind tho... kinda' nice to just chill for a while. I made up this quote like rhyme today but I can't remember it for the life of me!! Oy vai! That is just so messed up... jeezz. Well I must dash, have a lovely day!! Adious! (sorry slipped into spanish again hehe oh well!) BUH BYE!!
Hommie Jay
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11-25-03 9:50pm

Geez... Somebody's hyper. What made your week so wonderful?! Lol. I'm glad it only lasted two days... Maybe.

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bonjour, 11-26-03 12:10pm

bonjour ca va? Je suis bien! the reason the week was great for me was because it WAS only two days lol are really hyper tough!! lol well... bon! ttyl

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