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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2002 at 2:58pm
Current mood: amused
Subject: Ur dog is a fish

Hey ya'll, u know this summer when rob would say, "your dog is a fish"? Well, I saw the funniest thing today. I was watching saturday morning cartoons and I happened to flip to Blue's Clues (I luv that show, it's so cool, it reminds me of the cartoons and crap that were on when i was like 4) and anyhoo, it was the halloween one, and one of the dogs (magenta) was dressed up as a fish! That was so cool. I don't know, the simplest things amaze me. I luv all u guys. ~Michelle
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Oh shit, 10-26-02 6:35pm

Thats the stupidst fucking thing I ever read and I talk to Corey on aim.

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Re: Oh shit, 10-27-02 12:53pm

That was harsh.

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