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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 10-27-2002 at 12:12am
Vermonster = 20 scoops of iceee cream, 10 brownies, cookies, fudge, caramel, bananas, whipped cream, sprinkles, gummi bears, cookie crumbs and just soooo much more... Ben & Jerry's = amazing!

Fri: WE BEAT PALM BEACH GARDENS 12-7!!! That sooo means we're #1 in the district! anddd #3 in the state according to Chris :0) yay ATL!

T-bone sleepover... actaully Fri night was a HUGE mess. After the game we went 2 Dennys on Linton & Federal (us being me, stephy, vanessa, ben, Chris D., Matt and Paul) later on Shane showed up but not until I was already wedged in the booth between Matt and the wall. Paul and I switched pants under the table.. let me tell you, those sexy pasty white legs in my black soffees = HOT STUFF! haha Shane left w/o saying goodbye and I felt bad :0( after that we went 2 the beach & it was just an amazing night... definate makeout atmosphere and yeah... thats basically what happened... little did I know that would get me in a gigantic mess... I felt soo bad.. I don't know.. Matt and my situation is kinda bleh I don't know.. I just felt soooo bad today (eh technically yesterday) o wait i 4got to talk bout the sleepover... i taught Chris and Ben how 2 play shithead and we did that then just passed out. We made it to school on time fortunately... 9 freaking AM!!! I was sooo up at 7:30 bleh.. so yeah. we rehearsed from 9-12 and Shane was really mad at me the whole day. Around 1:30ish we headed over to Santaluces to watch other bands perform. Shane was still ignoring me. We performed at around 6:20 and did okay... we got an excellent which I guess is waht I expected... its really disappointing after 18 straight years of superiors we got an excellent. I guess thats pretty crappy but I had no emotion towards it. After we got back Shane finally apologized to me for being kinda assholeish and I apologized for the Matt thing and things are getting better. I went to Checkers with Jess, Corrie & Jenn and met up with Sam and Liz at Ben & Jerry's where we experienced ice cream ecstasy which kinda made me sick. Now I am at home really tired. Goodnight <3
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10-27-02 9:55am

Ice Cream=r0x

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10-27-02 10:20am

i have heard many a story of the vermontster

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10-27-02 12:28pm

it wasnt exactly 18 straight years. my freshman year we got an excellent in marching.

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Re:, 10-27-02 4:18pm

I thought it was 15 years of superiors, 13 being straight superiors.

Ugh...I never want to see ice cream again.

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Re: Re:, 10-27-02 9:13pm

I think Mr. St. was director for 16 or 17 years. I'm not sure how the first few years were, but there was a considerable streak of overall superiors. The streak of straight superiors was 3 years because my freshman year one of the marching judges gave us an excellent. Which we didn't deserve. The asshole complained about "hat angles" and "two different uniform styles", which if they were problems at all, they should have been addressed by the general effects judge, not the marching judge. But I'm not bitter... asshole. Maybe not getting superiors this year will make people not take the streak for granted. And it just needs to be said that swing dancing rocks as does Cleveland. And if Ben says that my sister is hot one more time...

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10-27-02 5:57pm

yay. im in one of vivi's entries :0) denny's was fun.

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