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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 10-27-2002 at 2:40pm
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
listen to that
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
that guy sounds like a dying moose in labor
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u would know what that sounds like
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ur music sounds like a guy runnin around with a toothbrush in his ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
its a good song
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
dude, you have a toothbrush in your ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and you keep moving it in and out for some reason
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u do lol
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
u sicko
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
god kevin that is sick
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
good comeback
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
if i wanted my own cum back i would wipe it of your face
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
durr hurrr
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I know you are but what am i
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
lol good comeback
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm cody Robinson
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im kevin
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I like to spread peanut butter on my wiener
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and have my dog lick it off
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
because girls won't do it for me
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
hey its better then ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
like u
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im kevin its ass its whats for dinner
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
good fun
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
\good fun
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I also like to take large objects and make a hole in the wall and pretend it's a dildo in my mom's ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
cuz I'm cody Robinsong
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ive never heard of cody robinsong
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm cody
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm a smart ass
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and I think I'm witty
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
what witty who uses that word
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
my grandma
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
but really, I'm numbing my mind by listening to all these bands that sound exactly alike
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
umm, people who speek english maybe
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
depends on who you listen to cody
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
there's no getting away from it in metal
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
is it good charleotte, new found glory, uhh blink 182
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
i have no idea
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
no, it's Taking Back Sunday
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
maybe its the get up fags
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
Saves the day
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
oooo, good one cody
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im just fuckin with u
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
your witty
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
musics, music
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
do you know what witty means cody?
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
people like what they want
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
maybe your grandma does
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
oh wait, you fucked her brains out
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I forgot
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
no idea could u exp;lain
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
my grandmas dead
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
so is mine
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
so how could i
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
hey, your grandma use the word witty then
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
smart ass
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
before she died
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yeah, but you used presenttense
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
not past tense
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yes cody
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
im gettin a c in that
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
you know,english, the language, you SPEAK, S. P. E. A. K.
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
yes it is
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
I'm sure
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
your bung whole
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
you like to eat poop
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
ok stop
best friends means to pull the trigger, best friends means you get what you deserve says:
and play with skin flutes
©©®ya thats my intials Cody Robinson papa_smurf49319 says:
i quit
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hah, 10-27-02 7:28pm

i knew he was dumb, goooo kevin teach that idiot look at him trying to insult you...

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