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Rina (profile) wrote,
on 11-27-2003 at 1:24am
Current mood: happy!
Music: umm. simple plan. thats strange..
Subject: thanksgiving
funkymonkey1428: if you are totally bummed, go eat
newYORKgurlie 89: i was too busy plotting ways 2 escape the asylum 2 realize u were my roomie
funkymonkey1428: hahahahahahaha
funkymonkey1428: yea, those padded walls really do you in

thank you for creating the highlight of all my thanksgivings combined, chrissie :D
ahh! look!
You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla You are a happy fish with mad skills

hahahahahaha... what?
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11-28-03 10:21am

hey carina!
i luv dory! hehe
well, ttyl!


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