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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-30-2003 at 5:58pm
Current mood: energetic
Music: All American Rejects
Subject: Only one shopping day left until tomorrow...
I cannot stand cold weather. It bugs me.... I'm a very energetic person and normally to get rid of all this energy I'd do something outside like playing tennis or basketball or practicing my pitching but it's just too darn cold!! Grr... on cold.

So anyway. Hope ya all had a wonderfully joyful Thanksgiving... tho I know too much family is not fun sometimes.

We got this new monitor and new software for my computer the other day. It's pretty cool. The moniter is black and it's one of those skinny flat screens... very cool. Not only that but we now have a CD burner... finally!! I have wanted one of those FOREVER! I'm soo excited =0) Ohh and the software has this thing that lets you make slide shows and such and then burn them onto CD's. It's very cool. I made 2 of them already, but I don't know how to make it so I can view the 2nd one again... evil computers... they confuse the heck out of me!

Well I must leave you now and go on too my life... as uninteresting as it may be.... I will see you all at a later date, have the loveliest of days!! Hasta Luego!
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hehe, 12-01-03 5:43pm

lol...yes you are a VERY active person lol...that's awesome bout your computer...i'm jelous *sigh*

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