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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 11-2-2002 at 1:48am
The Perfect Season... well almost anyways 9-0 and one game to go and its just against Olympic Heights soo no sweat :0P

Tonight was okay. I got to see Lauren from Dwyer which was really cool. Matt and I are mad at eachother again but then again whos REALLY surprised? Yeah.. me either. ummm Score. 22-14 ATL-vs-Dwyer.

I fell asleep in a really ackward position on the way back & was in a really cranky mood. We (me, Ben, Stephy, Jenn & Whitney) went 2 Taco Bell where we met up w/a gazillion people. It was okay cept Matt getting all mad at me.

Thank you Ben <3
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11-02-02 11:50am

ah. taco bell. lol. yum. the spinos mentioned how much that place rocked in spanish class. sorry about matt. :0\ okays. adios.

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