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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-4-2003 at 8:38pm
Current mood: normal
Subject: You people expect too much from me...
Blah. That's what today was... boring and blah. We might have a math test tomorrow and we definetly have a science test, sucky. I hate tests, especially when I don't know the stuff I'm being tested on. Well I do know it in math... just not in Biology, too hard.

I saw Justine's quotes, they're quite funny. They definetly work for the people who said them... hehehe. So if Justine reads this then I say Rock on Chicita.

Cherie was suppose to call me about our Algebra homework but she never did... weird girl. Not because she didn't call but because she doesn't understand AND she didn't call. But I love her anyway. So yea, I found out yesterday that Katy (a lovely friend of mine) is going out w/ Nick Vietti. She failed to tell me this and so did all my other friends who knew the day that this began. Evil people. But what can you expect really? They're just people... and people sometimes forget.

Guess what!? I get to go to the Griffin's game tomorrow!! Yay! We used to go a lot... but then we didn't go at all last year so this is exciting for me. Someone is calling me. I hate buzme. It's kinda' good to get all of your calls and such, but it's just annoying when the little box pops up out of no where. Grrr... on it.

Well I must be off now, have a lovely day/ night y'all. I love you... most of you *glares in random direction* BUH BYE!!

~Jacqui Jean~
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12-05-03 3:24pm

Booyah. I rock. =P

Meh, Katy didn't tell me either. Hell, she told barely anybody until like... a week or two after they started going out. But, whatever. I don't really care anymore about her "boy" life.

Lol. Yeah, I'm getting snippy, so... I think I'll stop. Later, mi amiga.

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