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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 12-7-2003 at 1:11pm
Today I went with my dad. We cut down a tree like we do every year. I put up all the lights and ornaments onto it. It's one of those simple pleasures in life.
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12-07-03 2:02pm

lumberjacks kick ass

(reply to this)


12-07-03 6:03pm

"It's one of those simple pleasures in life."

for some reason that made me think of masturbation.

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12-07-03 6:06pm

"It's one of those simple pleasures in life."

for some reason that made me think of masturbation.

(reply to this)


Re:, 12-07-03 8:33pm

that was lewd

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Re: Re:, 12-08-03 3:40pm

that was lewd?

i like kevin's baubles!

how 'bout that?

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Re: Re: Re:, 12-08-03 4:55pm

chris your very lewd

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