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innocence (profile) wrote,
on 12-8-2003 at 11:02pm
Music: hoobastank cd
Subject: confused and wishful
**yawn** today was a bum day, alex came over after school and she stayed til like 7 -- we didnt do much, just talk, chill, go online, walk to the 99cent store and kinko's lol and shit.. then brandon and thomas and carly came over and we played cards for a while, then we went to brandon's n then we went to PBCC to go to john's baseball game, we ended up not stayin long cuz we got bored and tired and cold.. but ya, like i said today was a boring day. lol thanks for all my friends who stood up for me in the last entry or whatever, even heather, its nice to know i got you guys behind my back, but honestly, im not worried about anything, or im trying not to worry, im taking thing by ear and just letting it play itself out... i dont wanna hurt anybody in the process of my life or being happy, and i dont want to hurt myself either, i just wish everyone got what they wanted and nobody had to deal with the bullshit drama, but whatever, it's over and done with and i love ya'll who commented, iLu all xxx ooo !! ur all awesome!! <33
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12-09-03 3:49pm

no problem

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12-09-03 6:15pm

lmao, i can tell whoever i want to die.
wtf are you people gonna do about it? lol, shoot me? good luck, dont miss!
lolol :D
-so fuk you!

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Re:, 12-10-03 10:54am

your so gay i hate to say this but maybe u should be the one to die damn i mean why are u gunna go around n tell innocent people to die for no reason u dotn even leave ur name which makes u a pussy if u have a prob. with her tell me don't wish she dies!!!

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Re: Re:, 12-10-03 10:55am

tell her**

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12-10-03 6:28pm

lol, if i wanted her to die i'd kill her myself!!! hahaha, ya'll need to seriously get your shit straight

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Re:, 12-13-03 6:07pm


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