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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 12-9-2003 at 3:58pm
Current mood: bouncy

yep yep. fun fun.


I get to be silly. hehe.
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12-09-03 10:08pm

i miss those days of being so unbelievably stupid in public and not having to account for my actions because i was with the band

oh wait, i still do that, i just don't have the band as a cover. damn the luck. no excuses for me anymore

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Re:, 12-12-03 8:20pm

*smiles* Oh anne dear....remembering your sudden outbursts of stupidity in public are the things that make me laugh when i see some kid trying to be really serious.

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12-11-03 4:25pm

sorry i was all pissed offish at pep band the other night...i was just in a really bad mood..but i'll talk to you later when you call to tell me about your after school fun---jessie

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